Sand Sifter
This image shows the open inlet where powered rock and soil samples will
be funneled down into the Mars rover Curiosity for analysis. It was
taken by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) on Curiosity's 36th Martian
day, or sol, on Mars (Sept. 11 on Earth).
MAHLI was about 8 inches away from the mouth of the Chemistry and
Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument when it took this picture. The entrance
of the funnel is about 1.4 inches in diameter and the mesh screen is
about 2.3 inches deep. Once the samples have gone down the 0.4-inch
holes in the funnel, CheMin will be shooting X-rays at the samples to
identify and quantify the minerals. Read more about what CheMin can do here.
A battery of tests checking out the
Mars rover Curiosity should wrap up today, and she's passing them all with flying colors. Very soon, the rover will start doing what it was
sent to Mars to do:
Swallowing some soil, baking it and X-raying it, with the goal of
finding out whether life could ever have survived on the planet.
This image shows the entrance to the CheMin instrument (for Chemistry
and Mineralogy), which will sift Martian dirt so it can be X-rayed.
CheMin will identify minerals by examining the diffraction patterns of
X-rays that pass through the spaces between atoms.