This scanning electron micrograph shows one of the
molecule-weighing devices. The bridge-like section at the center
vibrates sideways. The scale bar at the bottom is two microns
(millionths of a meter).
[Credit: Caltech / Scott Kelberg and Michael Roukes]
A team led by scientists at the California Institute of Technology
(Caltech) have made the first-ever mechanical device that can measure
the mass of individual molecules one at a time.
This new technology, the researchers say, will eventually help
doctors diagnose diseases, enable biologists to study viruses and probe
the molecular machinery of cells, and even allow scientists to better
measure nanoparticles and air pollution.
The team includes researchers from the Kavli Nanoscience Institute at
Caltech and Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies
Alternatives, Laboratoire d'électronique des technologies de
l'information (CEA-LETI) in Grenoble, France. A description of this
technology, which includes nanodevices prototyped in CEA-LETI's
facilities, appears in the online version of the journal
Nature Nanotechnology on August 26.
The device—which is only a couple millionths of a meter in
size—consists of a tiny, vibrating bridge-like structure. When a
particle or molecule lands on the bridge, its mass changes the
oscillating frequency in a way that reveals how much the particle
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